Practical ecological knowledge for the temperate reader.

Main Index

Legend (Mostly for my own reference) Color Reference Guide (for select species pages which include colored uses at the top of their page (example: Acer macrophyllum)
J = Journal searched Caution/Hazards
B = Book notes added Edible Use Medicinal Use Other Use
DJVU = .djvu book searched
U = Added to uses pages GPT - Info from ChatGPT4
I = Images Added NR - Needs References Added/Reviewed
BR - Book Search Results created JR - Journal Search Results created

While all hazards should be taken into consideration, plants with the hazard label "Deadly" are especially dangerous and their toxins are not easily degraded or otherwise able to be rendered safe for human consumption. Small doses could be fatal, especially for children, elderly, and those with existing conditions.

  1. Abies Sp. - Fir [B,U]GPT
  2. Abronia Sp. - Sand Verbena [J,B,GPT]
  3. Acer Sp. - Maple [J,B,U,I]GPT
  4. Achillea millefolium - Yarrow [B,I,U]GPT
  5. Achlys triphylla - Vanilla Leaf [J,B,I,U]
  6. Acroptilon repens - Russian Knapweed [B,I,DJVU,U]
  7. Actaea rubra - Baneberry [J,B,I,U]
  8. Adenocaulon bicolor - Pathfinder [J,B,U]
  9. Adiantum aleuticum - Northern maiden-hair [J,B,I,U]
  10. Aesculus hippocastanum - Horse-chestnut [B,I,U]
  11. Agoseris Sp. [B]
  12. Ajuga reptans - Bungleweed [J,B,I]
  13. Alisma plantago-aquatica - Water-plantain [J,B]
  14. Alliaria petiolata - Garlic Mustard [J,B]
  15. Allium Sp. - Onion,Garlic [B]
  16. Allotropa virgata - Candystick [B]GPT
  17. Alnus crispa ssp sinuata - Sitka Alder [J,B,U]
  18. Alnus rubra - Red Alder [J,B,I,U]
  19. Alnus Sp. - Alder [J,B,U]
  20. Amaranthus Sp.- Pigweed [B]
  21. Ambrosia chamissonis - Silver Burweed [B,I]
  22. Amelanchier alnifolia - Saskatoon [B,I,U]
  23. Anaphalis margaritacea - Pearly Everlasting [B,I,U]
  24. Anchusa Sp. - Bugloss [J][BR]
  25. Andromeda polifolia - Bog-rosemary[DJVU,J,B,I]
  26. Anemone Sp. - Anemone [JR,B]
  27. Anethum graveolens - Common Dill [B]
  28. Angelica Sp. - Angelica [B]
  29. Anthemis Sp. - Chamomile/Mayweed [BR/JR]
  30. Anthriscus Sp. - Chervil [B]
  31. Aphanes Sp. - Parsley-piert [Needs references][BR]
  32. Aphyllon - Broomrape (merged with Orobanche) page
  33. Apocynum androsaemifolium - Spreading Dogbane [B,I,U]
  34. Apocynum cannabinum - Hemp Dogbane [B,U]
  35. Aquilegia formosa - Red Columbine [B,I,U]
  36. Arabis Sp. - Rockcress [BR]
  37. Arbutus menziesii - Arbutus [B,I,U]
  38. Arctium Sp. - Burdock [B,I[1/2],U]
  39. Arctostaphylos columbiana - Hairy Manzanita [B,I,DJVU,U]
  40. Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Kinnikinnick (<^Printed) [B,U]
  41. Arceuthobium Sp. - Dwarf Mistletoe [BR]
  42. Arenaria serpyllifolia - Thyme-leaved Sandwort [BR]
  43. Armeria maritima - Thrift [BR]
  44. Arnica Sp. [needs references][BR]
  45. Artemisia Sp. - Mugwort [B,U,JR]
  46. Aruncus dioicus - Goat's Beard [J,B,DJVU,U]GPT
  47. Asarum caudatum - Wild Ginger [B,DJVU,U]
  48. Asparagus officinalis [BR]
  49. Asplenium Sp. [BR]
  50. Atocion armeria - Sweet william catchfly
  51. Athyrium filix-femina - Lady fern [B]
  52. Atriplex Sp. - Orache [J,B,DJVU,U]
  53. Azolla caroliniana - Eastern mosquito fern [BR]
  54. Balsamorhiza Sp. - Balsamroot [J,B,DJVU,U]
  55. Bellis perennis - English Daisy [printed][J,B,DJVU,U]
  56. Barbarea Sp. - Winter Cress [BR]
  57. Berberis vulgaris - Common Barberry [BR]
  58. Betula Sp. - Birch Sp. [E-flora, pfaf, B - In progress][U]
  59. Bistorta Sp. - Bistort [B,U]
  60. Blechnum spicant - Deer fern [B,U]
  61. Borago officinalis - Common Borage [B]
  62. Boschniakia hookeri - Vancouver Groundcone[J,DJVU,U]
  63. Botrychium Sp. - Moonwort [J,B,DJVU]
  64. Boykinia occidentalis - coast boykinia [B]
  65. Brasenia schreberi - Watershield [J,DJVU,U,I]
  66. Brassica Sp. - Mustard [DJVU][BR]
  67. Brodiaea coronaria - Harvest brodiaea [BR]
  68. Buddleja davidii - Butterfly Bush [B,U]
  69. Cakile Sp. - Sea Rocket [DJVU][B]
  70. Calandrinia ciliata - Desert rock purslane [BR]
  71. Callitriche Sp. - Water-Starwort [J,B]
  72. Calluna vulgaris - Heather [BR,I]
  73. Caltha leptosepala - White mountain marsh-marigold [B,DJVU,I,U]
  74. Calypso bulbosa - Fairy-slipper
  75. Calystegia Sp. - Morning-glory [BR]
  76. Camassia Sp. - Camas [U,B,DJVU]
  77. Camelina Sp. - False flax [BR]
  78. Campanula Sp. - Bellflower [J,B]
  79. Capsella bursa-pastoris - Shepherd's purse [DJVU,BR]
  80. Cardamine Sp. - Bitter-cress [B,DJVU,U]
  81. Carum carvi - Caraway [B]
  82. Ceanothus Sp. - California-Lilac [B]
  83. Centaurea Sp. - Cornflower [U,I,B]
  84. Centaurium erythraea - Common centaury [B]
  85. Cerastium Sp. - Mouse-Ear Chickweed [J,B][U]
  86. Chamaesyce serpyllifolia - Thyme-leaved Spurge [B]
  87. Chamaecyparis nootkatensis - Yellow-cedar[U,BR]
  88. Chelidonium majus - Greater celandine [B]
  89. Chenopodium Sp. - Goosefoot [BR]
  90. Chimaphila Sp. - Prince's Pine [J,B,U]
  91. Chorispora tenella - Blue mustard [B,DJVU]
  92. Cichorium intybus - Common Chicory [B,DJVU,U] GPT
  93. Cicuta douglasii - Douglas' water-hemlock [B,DJVU,U]
  94. Circaea alpina - enchanter's-nightshade [J,B,U]
  95. Cirsium Sp. - Thistle [U,B,I] GPT
  96. Claytonia Sp. - Springbeauty [B,U]
  97. Clematis Sp. - Virgin's-bower [B]
  98. Clinopodium douglasii - Yerba Buena [B,U]
  99. Cochlearia groenlandica - Scurvy-grass [BR]
  100. Collomia Sp. - Collomia/Trumpet-flower [J,B,U]
  101. Comandra umbellata - Bastard toadflax [B,DJVU]
  102. Conioselinum gmelinii - Pacific Hemlock-parsley [B]
  103. Conium maculatum - Poison-hemlock [U]
  104. Conyza canadensis - Horseweed [BR]
  105. Consolida ajacis - Rocket larkspur [B]
  106. Convolvulus arvensis - Field bindweed [BR]
  107. Coptis Sp. - Goldthread [B]
  108. Corallorhiza Sp. - Coralroot [B,U]
  109. Cornus canadensis - Bunchberry [B,U]
  110. Cornus nuttallii - Western flowering dogwood [B,U]
  111. Cornus stolonifera - Red-osier Dogwod [B,U]
  112. Coronilla varia - Common crown-vetch [J,B]
  113. Corylus cornuta - Beaked hazelnut [B,U]
  114. Corydalis Sp. - Corydalis [B]
  115. Cotoneaster Sp. - Cotoneaster [B,DJVU]
  116. Cotula coronopifolia - Brass buttons [B]
  117. Crataegus Sp. - Hawthorn [B,U]
  118. Crepis Sp. - Hawksbeard [BR]
  119. Cryptogramma acrostichoides - Parsley Fern [page created][BR]
  120. Cuscuta Sp. - Dodder [BR]
  121. Cymbalaria muralis - Ivy-leaved toadflax [BR]
  122. Cystopteris Sp. - Fragile fern
  123. Cytisus scoparius - Scotch Broom [B][U][printed]GPT
  124. Cytisus striatus - Portuguese broom [J]
  125. Daphne laureola - Spurge-laurel [B][U]GPT
  126. Datura stramonium - Jimsonweed [B][U]
  127. Daucus carota - wild carrot [B]
  128. Delphinium menziesii - Menzies' larkspur [B]
  129. Descurainia Sp. - Tansy Mustard [DJVU][BR]
  130. Dicentra formosa - Pacific Bleeding Heart [B,U]
  131. Digitalis purpurea - Common foxglove [B,U][Needs editing]
  132. Dipsacus fullonum - Fuller's Teasel [B]
  133. Dodecatheon Sp. - Shootingstar [BR]
  134. Draba Sp. - Draba [BR]
  135. Drosera Sp. - Sundew [BR]
  136. Dryopteris Sp. - Wood Fern [B]
  137. Dysphania botrys - Jerusalem-oak [BR,DJVU]
  138. Echium vulgare - Viper's bugloss [BR]
  139. Elliottia pyroliflora - Copperbush [BR][Needs More info]
  140. Empetrum nigrum - Crowberry [J,B,DJVU][U]
  141. Epilobium angustifolium - Fireweed [B,DJVU][U]
  142. Equisetum Sp. - Horsetails [B,DJVU][U][Needs work]
  143. Erigeron Sp. - Fleabane
  144. Eriophorum Sp. - Cotton Grass [BR]
  145. Eriophyllum lanatum - Woolly eriophyllum [B,U]
  146. Erodium cicutarium - Common stork's-bill [B,DJVU]
  147. Erysimum Sp. - Wallflower [B]
  148. Erythronium Sp. - Fawn Lily [B][U]
  149. Erythronium grandiflorum - yellow glacier lily [B,U]
  150. Eschscholzia californica - California poppy [B,U]
  151. Euphorbia Sp. - Spurge [BR]
  152. Euphrasia nemorosa - Common Eyebright [BR]
  153. Euthamia occidentalis - western goldenrod
  154. Fallopia Sp. - Knotweed [B][U]
  155. Fagopyrum esculentum - Buckwheat [page created][BR]
  156. Foeniculum vulgare - Sweet fennel [page created][B]
  157. Fragaria Sp. - Strawberry [B,DJVU]
  158. Fraxinus Latifolia - Oregon Ash [B]
  159. Fritillaria Sp. - Fritillary [U]
  160. Galeopsis tetrahit - Hemp-Nettle [B,U]
  161. Galinsoga Sp. [page created][BR]
  162. Galium Sp. - Bedstraw [B, DJVU(In progress)]
  163. Gaultheria shallon - Salal [J,B,DJVU][U]
  164. Geocaulon lividum - False toad-flax [page created][BR]
  165. Geranium robertianum - Herb-Robert [B,I,U]
  166. Geum Sp. - Avens [J,B,I,U] GPT
  167. Glaux maritima - Sea-milkwort [B]
  168. Glechoma hederacea - Ground Ivy [B][U]
  169. Glehnia littoralis - American glehnia [B,DJVU]
  170. Gnaphalium Sp. - Cudweed [Needs reference & BR?]
  171. Goodyera oblongifolia - Rattlesnake-plantain [BR]GPT
  172. Gratiola Sp. - Hedge-hyssop [page created][BR]
  173. Grindelia stricta - Puget Sound Gumweed [J,B][U] [Printed]
  174. Hedera helix - English Ivy [B,I,U][Printed]GPT
  175. Hedysarum Sp. - Sweetvetch [page created][DJVU,J,B]
  176. Helenium autumnale - Mountain sneezeweed [page created][BR]
  177. Helianthus annuus - Common sunflower [U]
  178. Helianthus tuberosus - Jerusalem artichoke [B][U][Note to self: see page Notes]
  179. Heracleum maximum - Cow-parsnip [I,U,B,DJVU]GPT
  180. Heracleum mantegazzianum - Giant Cow-parnip [I,U,B]GPT
  181. Hesperis matronalis - sweet rocket [B,I]
  182. Heuchera Sp. - Alumroot [U,DJVU][Needs editing]
  183. Hieracium Sp. - Hawkweed [B,I][BR]
  184. Hippuris Sp. - Mare's-Tail [J(needs google search)U]
  185. Holodiscus discolor - Oceanspray [I,U,J,B]
  186. Honkenya peploides - Seabeach Sandwort [U,J,B,DJVU]
  187. Hyacinthoides Sp. - Bluebells [page created]
  188. Hydrophyllum tenuipes - Pacific waterleaf [page created][BR]
  189. Hypericum perforatum - Common St. John's-wort [U][needed editing]
  190. Hypochaeris Sp. - Cat's Ear [U,I][Needs editing]
  191. Ilex aquifolium - English holly [I,U][printed]
  192. Impatiens glandulifera - Policeman's helmet[needs edit][B,DJVU,I]
  193. Iris pseudacorus - Yellow iris [B,I,U][Needs editing]
  194. Isoetes Sp. - Quillwort [page created][B]
  195. Juniperus Sp. - Juniper [B,U][DJVU-check data]
  196. Kalmia polifolia - Western Bog-laurel [I]
  197. Lactuca Sp. - Lettuce [BR]
  198. Lamium galeobdolon - Yellow Archangel [I]
  199. Lamium purpureum - Purple Dead-nettle
  200. Lapsana communis - Nipplewort
  201. Lathyrus Sp. - Wild pea [page created][B]
  202. Lathyrus japonicus - Beach Pea [I]
  203. Lemna Sp. - Duckweed [BR]
  204. Leontodon Sp. - Hawkbit [page created][B]
  205. Lepidium Sp. - Peppergrass [B]
  206. Leucanthemum vulgare - Oxeye Daisy
  207. Lewisia Sp. [page created]
  208. Ligusticum Sp. - Lovage [B][page created]
  209. Ligustrum vulgare - Common Privet
  210. Lilium columbianum - Tiger Lily
  211. Linaria vulgaris - Butter-and-eggs
  212. Linnaea borealis - Twinflower [B,DJVU,J]
  213. Linum usitatissimum - Common Flax
  214. Lobelia dortmanna - water lobelia [page created][BR]
  215. Lobularia maritima - sweet alyssum [page created][BR]
  216. Lomatium Sp. - Desert-parsley [page created][B][BR]
  217. Lonicera Sp. - Honeysuckle [B]
  218. Lotus corniculatus - Bird's-foot Trefoil
  219. Ludwigia palustris - water-purslane [BR][page created]
  220. Luetkea pectinata - partridge-foot [BR][page created]
  221. Luina hypoleuca - silverback luina[J,B][Lacking Info]
  222. Lunaria annua - Honesty [page created][B]
  223. Lupinus Sp. - Lupine [page created][B]
  224. Lycopus Sp. - Bungleweed [B,DJVU]
  225. Lysichiton americanus - skunk cabbage
  226. Lysimachia nummularia - creeping loosestrife [I]
  227. Lythrum Sp. - loosestrife [page created][B]
  228. Madia Sp. - Tarweed [B,I]
  229. Mahonia Sp. - Oregon-grape
  230. Malus fusca - Pacific crab apple GPT
  231. Malus pumila - Cultivated apple
  232. Malva Sp. - mallow [BR][page created]
  233. Maianthemum Sp. - Salse Solomon's-seal [B]
  234. Marah oregana - Manroot [BR][page created]
  235. Marrubium vulgare - Common Horehound
  236. Matricaria discoidea - Pineapple Weed
  237. Medicago Sp. - Alfalfa [B]
  238. Melissa officinalis - Lemon balm [page created][B]
  239. Melilotus Sp. - Sweet Clover [B]
  240. Mentha Sp. - Mint [page created][B]
  241. Mentha arvensis - Field Mint [B]
  242. Mentha spicata - Spearmint
  243. Menyanthes trifoliata - Buckbean GPT
  244. Menziesia ferruginea - False Azalea
  245. Mertensia paniculata - Tall Bluebells[page created][B]
  246. Mimulus Sp. - Monkey-Flower [BR][page created]
  247. Mitella Sp. - Mitrewort [page created][B][lacking info]
  248. Moneses uniflora - Single delight [B][page created]
  249. Monotropa uniflora - Indian-pipe
  250. Montia Sp. [B]
  251. Mulgedium pulchellum - Blue lettuce [B][page created]
  252. Myosotis Sp. - Forget-Me-Not
  253. Myosoton aquaticum - water chickweed [B][page created]
  254. Myrica californica - Bayberry
  255. Myrica gale - Sweet gale [J,B]
  256. Myriophyllum Sp. - Water-milfoil [page created][B]
  257. Myrrhis odorata - Sweet cicely [page created][B]
  258. Najas flexilis - Wavy water nymph [B][page created]
  259. Narcissus Sp. [B][page created]
  260. Navarretia Sp. [B][page created]
  261. Nepeta cataria - Catnip [page created][B]
  262. Neslia paniculata - ball mustard [B][page created]
  263. Nuphar polysepala - Rocky Mountain pond-lily [I,DJVU]
  264. Nymphaea Sp. - Waterlily [page created][B]
  265. Oemleria cerasiformis - Indian-plum [B][BR]
  266. Oenanthe sarmentosa - Pacific water-parsley [B]
  267. Oenothera Sp. - Evening-primrose [J,B,DJVU]
  268. Onobrychis viciifolia - Sainfoin [page created][B][BR]
  269. Onopordum acanthium - Scotch thistle [page created][B]
  270. Oplopanax horridus - Devil's club
  271. Origanum vulgare - wild marjoram [page created][B]
  272. Ornithogalum umbellatum - star-of-Bethlehem [page created][BR]
  273. Orobanche Sp. - Broomrape [B,DJVU]
  274. Orthilia secunda - one-sided wintergreen [B]
  275. Osmorhiza Sp. - sweet-cicely [page created][B]
  276. Oxalis Sp. - Sorrel
  277. Oxycoccus macrocarpus- American Cranberry
  278. Oxycoccus oxycoccos - Bog Cranberry[B]
  279. Oxyria digyna - mountain sorrel [BR]
  280. Oxytropis campestris - field locoweed [page created]
  281. Packera Sp. - Butterweed
  282. Papaver argemone - Long prickly-headed poppy [BR]
  283. Papaver dubium - blind eyes [page created]
  284. Papaver somniferum - Opium Poppy [created][B]
  285. Papaver rhoeas - Corn Poppy [created][B]
  286. Pastinaca sativa - common parsnip [page created][B]
  287. Pedicularis Sp. - Lousewort [Djvu]
  288. Perideridia gairdneri - Gairdner's yampah [page created][B]
  289. Persicaria Sp. - Smartweed [*]
  290. Petasites Sp. - Coltsfoot
  291. Philadelphus lewisii - Mock-orange [page created]
  292. Phragmites australis - Common Reed
  293. Phyllodoce empetriformis - pink mountain-heather
  294. Phyllospadix Sp. - Surf-grass [BR]
  295. Physocarpus capitatus - Pacific ninebark [B]
  296. Picea sitchensis - Sitka spruce [djvu]
  297. Pinguicula vulgaris - common butterwort [page created]
  298. Pinus contorta - Shore Pine [J,B,djvu]
  299. Pinus monticola - Western white pine [B,DJVU]
  300. Plantago major - Common plantain [J,B]
  301. Plantago Sp. - Plantain [page created]
  302. Plectritis congesta - Sea Blush [page created]
  303. Polygonum Sp. - Knotweed
  304. Polypodium glycyrrhiza - Licorice fern
  305. Polystichum munitum - Sword fern
  306. Populus Sp. - Poplar
  307. Portulaca oleracea - Common purslane [BR]
  308. Potamogeton Sp. - Pondweed [B]
  309. Potentilla anserina - Silverweed [B]GPT
  310. Potentilla recta [BR]
  311. Prosartes Sp.- Fairybells [J,B]
  312. Prunella vulgaris - Self-heal
  313. Prunus Sp. - Cherry [B]
  314. Pseudotsuga menziesii - Douglas-fir
  315. Pteridium aquilinum - Bracken fern
  316. Pterospora andromedea - pinedrops [page created]
  317. Pyracantha coccinea - Scarlet Firethorn [B,DJVU,BR,I]
  318. Pyrola Sp. - Wintergreen [page created]
  319. Pyrus communis - Common pear
  320. Quercus Sp. - Oak
  321. Ranunculus Sp. - Buttercup [page created]
  322. Raphanus Sp. - Radish [page created]
  323. Rhamnus purshiana - Cascara [B,I]
  324. Rhinanthus minor - Yellow rattle
  325. Rhodiola integrifolia - Roseroot [B]
  326. Rhododendron groenlandicum - Labrador tea [B][Needs editing]
  327. Ribes Sp. - Currant [B,I][Needs editing]
  328. Robinia Pseudoacacia - Black Locust [J,B][Needs editing]
  329. Rorippa Sp. - Yellow Cress [BR]
  330. Rosa Sp. - Roses [B,DJVU][Needs editing]
  331. Rubus discolor - Himalayan Blackberry GPT
  332. Rubus parviflorus - Thimbleberry [B,DJVU]
  333. Rubus Sp. - Raspberry/Blackberry
  334. Rubus spectabilis - Salmonberry [J,B,DJVU]
  335. Rudbeckia hirta - black-eyed Susan [page created]
  336. Rupertia physodes - California-tea [J][page created]
  337. Rumex Sp. - Dock/Sorrel
  338. Sagina Sp. - Pearlwort [page created][BR]
  339. Sagittaria latifolia - Wapato [B]
  340. Salicornia Sp. - Glasswort [B][Needs review/edit]
  341. Salix Sp. - Willow [B - further edits needed]
  342. Salsola tragus - Russian thistle [page created]
  343. Sambucus racemosa - Red elderberry [J,B]
  344. Sanguisorba Sp. - Burnet [page created]
  345. Sanicula Sp. - Sanicle
  346. Saponaria officinalis - Bouncing-bett [B]
  347. Saxifraga Sp.- Saxifrage [B]
  348. Scutellaria Sp. - Skullcap [B]
  349. Sedum Sp.- Stonecrop [B-skimmed][NR]
  350. Senecio Sp. - Groundsel [B,I]
  351. Shepherdia canadensis - Soopolallie [**]
  352. Silene Sp. - Campion
  353. Silybum marianum - Milk thistle [J,B,DJVU]
  354. Sinapis Sp. - White Mustard [Not created]
  355. Sisymbrium Sp. [page created]
  356. Sium suave - hemlock water-parsnip [page created]
  357. Solanum Sp. - Nightshade [page created]
  358. Solanum dulcamara - European Bittersweet [*]
  359. Solidago Sp. - Goldenrod
  360. Sonchus Sp. - Sow Thistle [page created - B,DJVU]
  361. Sorbus Sp. - Mountain Ash [B]
  362. Sparganium Sp. - Bur-Reed [page created]
  363. Spergula arvensis - Corn Spurry
  364. Spergularia rubra - Red Sand-Spurrey
  365. Spiraea douglasii - Hardhack
  366. Spirodela polyrhiza - Great duckweed
  367. Stachys Sp. - Hedge-Nettle
  368. Stellaria Sp. - Chickweed [page created][BR]
  369. Streptopus Sp.- Twistedstalk [page created][BR]
  370. Stuckenia Sp. - Pondweed [page created]
  371. Suaeda calceoliformis - seablite [BR-In progress][DJVU]
  372. Symphoricarpos albus - Common Snowberry
  373. Tanacetum parthenium - feverfew
  374. Tanacetum vulgare - Common tansy
  375. Taraxacum officinale - Common Dandelion GPT
  376. Taxus brevifolia - Western yew
  377. Tellima grandiflora - Fringecup [J,B,collect more information]
  378. Thalictrum occidentale - western meadowrue [page created][B]
  379. Thlaspi arvense - Field pennycress [page created][BR]
  380. Thuja plicata - Western redcedar [created][B]
  381. Tolmiea menziesii - piggy-back plant [page created][BR]
  382. Torilis japonica - upright hedge-parsley
  383. Toxicodendron diversilobum - Poison oak [page created][B,DJVU]
  384. Toxicoscordion venenosum - Meadow Death-Camas
  385. Tragopogon Sp. - Salsify [page created][B]
  386. Trautvetteria caroliniensis - false bugbane [J,B,DJVU]
  387. Trientalis Sp. - Starflower
  388. Trifolium Sp. - Clover [page created] [BR]GPT
  389. Trifolium pratense - Red clover [BR]
  390. Triglochin Sp. - Arrow-grass [B,DJVU]
  391. Trillium ovatum - western trillium [page created]
  392. Triteleia Sp. - Triplet Lilies [page created]
  393. Tsuga Sp. - Hemlock [Created][BR]
  394. Turritis glabra - Tower mustard
  395. Tussilago farfara - Coltsfoot [B,DJVU][created]
  396. Typha latifolia - Common cattail [B,I,DJVU]GPT
  397. Ulex europaeus - Gorse
  398. Urtica dioica - Stinging Nettle [printed][NR]
  399. Vaccaria pyramidata - cow-basil
  400. Vaccinium Sp. - Huckleberry [BR]
  401. Valeriana sitchensis - Sitka valerian [NR][page created]
  402. Valerianella locusta - Cornsalad
  403. Veratrum viride - Indian hellebore [B][NR][page created]
  404. Verbascum thapsus - Great Mullein [B][Needs further editing]
  405. Verbena hastata - Blue Vervain
  406. Veronica Sp - Speedwell [B][NR][page created]
  407. Viburnum Sp. - Bush-cranberry [B]
  408. Vicia Sp. - Vetch [NR][page created]
  409. Vinca Sp. - Periwinkles [J,B][NR]
  410. Viola Sp. - Violet [DJVU][BR]


  1. Ammophila arenaria - European Beachgrass
  2. Anthoxanthum Sp. - Vernal/Vanilla Grass [page created][B]
  3. Avena Sp. - Oats [printed]
  4. Carex obnupta - Slough sedge [B,U]
  5. Cynodon dactylon - Bermuda grass [page created][BR]
  6. Cyperus squarrosus - Awned cyperus [page created][BR]
  7. Dactylis glomerata - Orchard-grass [page created][BR]
  8. Digitaria sanguinalis - Hairy crabgrass [page created][BR]
  9. Distichlis spicata - Seashore saltgrass [DJVU][B]
  10. Echinochloa crusgalli - Large barnyard-grass [J,B,DJVU]
  11. Elymus repens - Quackgrass [J,B]
  12. Eriophorum Sp. - Cotton Grasss [B]
  13. Hordeum brachyantherum ssp brachyantherum - Meadow barley
  14. Hordeum jubatum - Foxtail barley
  15. Hordeum murinum - Wall barley
  16. Juncus Sp. - Sedges [B,U]
  17. Leymus mollis ssp. mollis - Dune wildrye
  18. Lolium Sp. - Ryegrass [BR][page created]
  19. Melica Sp. - Oniongrass [BR][page created]
  20. Panicum Sp. [Page Created]
  21. Phalaris arundinacea. - Canary Grass [page created][B]
  22. Phleum pratense - Common Timothy [Page Created]
  23. Schoenoplectus Sp. - Bulrush [page created]
  24. Scirpus Sp. - American Bulrush [page created]
  25. Setaria Sp. - Bristle Grass [page created]
  26. Vallisneria americana - American tapegrass [page created]
  27. Zostera marina - Common eel-grass [J,B]

Lichens [page created]

  1. Candelariella vitellina
  2. Cetraria Sp. - Icelandmoss [page created]
  3. Cladina Sp. - Reindeer Lichen [page created]
  4. Evernia prunastri - Oakmoss [page created][B]
  5. Letharia vulpina - Wolf lichen [B]
  6. Parmelia sp. - Waxpaper Lichen [page created][B]
  7. Usnea Sp. - Beard lichen [page created][BR]


  1. Lycopodium Sp. - Club-moss [BR]

Green Algae

  1. Ceratophyllum demersum - Common hornwort
  2. Chara vulgaris - Common Stonewort [page created]


  1. Alaria Sp. - Winged Kelp [J,B]
  2. Chondracanthus exasperatus - Turkish towel
  3. Dacryopinax spathularia [B]
  4. Desmarestia Sp. - Acid Kelp[B]
  5. Dictyota binghamiae - Mermaid's gloves [B]
  6. Egregia menziesii - Feather boa [J(still needs scholar search)]
  7. Fucus Sp. - Rockweed [B]
  8. Halosaccion glandiforme - Sea Sac [BR]
  9. Laminaria [B]
  10. Macrocystis pyrifera - Giant perennial kelp [B]
  11. Mastocarpus papillatus - Turkish washcloth [B]
  12. Nereocystis luetkeana - Bull Kelp [B]
  13. Palmaria mollis - Red ribbon/Dulse [BR]
  14. Porphyra Sp. - Laver [page created]
  15. Porphyra nereocystis - Red alga [B]
  16. Porphyra perforata - Purple laver [B]
  17. Postelsia palmaeformis - Sea palm [B]
  18. Saccharina Sp. [B]
  19. Ulva lactuca - Sea lettuce [B]


  1. Agaricus
  2. Amanita phalloides - Death-cap
  3. Aleuria aurantia - Orange peel fungus [J,B]
  4. Amanita muscaria - Fly Agaric [J,B,I]
  5. Antrodia Sp. [B]
  6. Battarrea phalloides - Desert drumstick
  7. Bjerkandera Sp. - Smoky polypore [B]
  8. Boletus Sp. - Boletes [page created][BR]
  9. Bondarzewia mesenterica - Bondarzew's polypore [B]
  10. Cantharellus Sp. - Chanterelles [B]
  11. Chalciporus piperatus - Peppery Bolete [page created]
  12. Chroogomphus Sp. - Pine spikes [B]
  13. Coprinopsis atramentaria - Inky-cap [page created][BR]
  14. Coprinus comatus - Shaggy-mane [B]
  15. Cortinarius sanguineus - Blood-Red Cortinarius
  16. Craterellus Sp. [BR]
  17. Echinodontium tinctorium [B]
  18. Exidiopsis effusa - Hair Ice fungus
  19. Flammulina velutipes - Velvet-foot [B]
  20. Fomes fomentarius - Tinder Polypore [B]
  21. Fomitiporia robusta
  22. Fomitopsis Sp. [B]
  23. Galerina Sp. [page created][B]
  24. Ganoderma Sp. [B]
  25. Geastrum Sp. - Earthstar [B][page created]
  26. Gomphidius Sp. [B]
  27. Gomphus Sp. [J,B]
  28. Gymnopilus Sp. - Laughing Mushroom/Gym [B]
  29. Gyromitra Sp.- False Morels [B] Needs attention
  30. Hericium Sp. [B]
  31. Hydnellum peckii - Strawberry and Cream [page created][BR]
  32. Hydnum Sp. - Tooth fungus [page created][BR]
  33. Hygrocybe conica - Witch's Hat [BR]
  34. Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca - false chanterelle [BR]
  35. Hypholoma fasciculare - Sulfur tuft
  36. Hypsizygus marmoreus
  37. Hypomyces lactifluorum - Lobster Mushroom
  38. Inonotus obliquus - Chaga [B]
  39. Laetiporus sulphurous - Chicken-of-the-Woods
  40. Leccinum manzanitae - Madrone bolete
  41. Leccinum scabrum - Common scaber-stalk
  42. Morchella elata group - Black morel
  43. Morchella esculenta - yellow morel
  44. Morchella importuna - northwest landscape morel
  45. Morchella snyderi - Snyder's morel
  46. Panaeolus castaneifolius
  47. Panaeolus subbalteatus - Belted Panaeolus
  48. Paxillus involutus - Poison Pax
  49. Phylloporus rhodoxanthus - Gilled bolete [created][B]
  50. Pleurocybella porrigens - Angel-wings [created][B]
  51. Pleurotus Sp. - Oyster Mushrooms
  52. Polyozellus multiplex - Blue chanterelle
  53. Porodaedalea pini
  54. Psilocybe baeocystis - Potent Psilocybe
  55. Psilocybe cyanescens - Wavy-capped Psilocybe
  56. Psilocybe pelliculosa - Conifer Psilocybe
  57. Psilocybe semilanceata - Liberty-cap
  58. Psilocybe stuntzii - Stuntzs blue-legs
  59. Pycnoporellus alboluteus
  60. Schizophyllum commune - split-gill [page created]
  61. Sparassis crispa - Cauliflower Mushroom
  62. Suillus Sp. - Slippery Jack [Page created]
  63. Trametes versicolor - Turkey Tail [B]
  64. Tricholoma magnivelare - Pine mushroom/White Matsutake
  65. Verpa Sp. [Page created]
  66. Volvariella volvacea
  67. Xylaria hypoxylon - candlesnuff fungus

Truffles - Truffles and Truffle Look-Alikes

Jellies - Jelly Fungi (J,B,I-in part)

  1. Auricularia auricula - Jew's Ear
  2. Dacrymyces chrysospermus - Orange jelly
  3. Guepinia helvelloides - Apricot Jelly Mushroom
  4. Hydnum repandum - Sweet Tooth
  5. Hydnum umbilicatum - Navel Toothed Fungus
  6. Pseudohydnum gelatinosum - Toothed jelly
  7. Tremella aurantica
  8. Tremella foliacea - Brown witch's butter
  9. Tremella mesenterica - Witch's butter

Slime Molds

  1. Fuligo septica - Dog's Vomit [J,B,I]

Substance Monographs

  1. Cardiac Glycosides
  2. Coumarin [page created][B]
  3. Cyanogenic Compounds
  4. Inulin
  5. Norcaperatic acid [page created]
  6. Oxalates
  7. Pectinases [page created]
  8. Protoanemonin
  9. Saponins
  10. Thiaminases

Other Important Pages

  1. Fiber Plants [created]
  2. Food Uses
  3. Incense Plants [created]
  4. Other Uses
  5. Phytochemicals
  6. References

Page last modified on 9:32 PM 2024-12-18